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  • Writer's pictureDrNikki, FNP-BC


Bed-wetting also known medically as nocturnal enuresis is common in children. Bedwetting is typically not considered to be a problem until after age 7. Please note that every child is different and there are variations. Some children continue to bed-wet well over the age of 7 and even into their teenage years. Bed-wetting could happen because their bladder is too weak/small to hold urine all night. Some children bedwet because they can’t control and hold their bladder/urine a little better or because they sleep so deep that they don’t feel the urge when they need to go.

There is good news regardless. Most children with this problem outgrow it eventually. Interestingly, research shows that about half of the children who bedwet have at least one parent who did too. It is also reported that nocturnal enuresis is 2 to 3 times more common in boys than girls. There is nothing to be ashamed about, please talk to your child’s pediatrician or doctor if you are concerned. Education is important. The doctor needs to first evaluate your child to make sure there is no underlying medical or psychological problem. After that, there are different solutions that can be tried such as the use of alarms, bladder training, lifestyle changes, fluid restriction, and medication if necessary. In the meantime, you can use training pants and waterproof bed sheets for the child. Lastly, it is important to not attack your child’s self esteem due to bed- wetting. Encourage him/her, give praise and rewards when they go all night without bed-wetting.



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