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  • Writer's pictureDrNikki, FNP-BC

Feel Cold All The Time?

Do you feel cold all the time? If yes, it’s time to get yourself checked by your doctor or health practitioner.

~Check your iron levels- You may have anemia.

~Check your cholesterol levels and report any pain, numbness and tingling in your extremities, cramping in your legs and feet after activity,

a weak pulse in your legs and feet, slow healing of wounds on your legs and feet, and decreased hair growth on your legs to your doctor -You may have poor blood circulation/peripheral artery disease due to Atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is when fat and cholesterol form plaques that build up in your arteries.

~Check your thyroid hormone levels-You may have hypothyroidism.

~Check your vitamin B12 levels, as you may be deficient.

~Check to make sure you don’t have diabetes; diabetes can cause decreased circulation and nerve damage called neuropathy.

~Check for Raynaud’s syndrome- The affected areas are usually the fingers and toes. This happens when the blood vessels are constricted when you are cold, anxious or stressed, causing poor blood flow. The fingers and toes turn white and blue and when blood flow returns, the skin turns red and throbs or tingles.



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