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  • Writer's pictureDrNikki, FNP-BC

Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones are calcified deposits that form when bacteria, food particles, or other debris get trapped in your tonsils. The good news is that they are generally harmless and not a sign of a serious medical condition. Tonsil stones are embarrassing to a lot of people because they cause bad breath and they can also be annoying to have because you feel like something is stuck in the back of your throat and you may even develop some soreness. Even though some people think tonsil stones are caused by bad oral hygiene, research have shown that a lot of people who practice good oral care can develop these stones. It is recommended that you continue brushing, flossing, and gargling regularly as this can help to reduce bacteria and remove particles in your mouth.

*Image credit: Everyday Health*

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